الجمعة، 27 أغسطس 2010

jojo story

Only me jojo It's . . . . Tuesday . . . . Wednesday . . . Thursday. Yes , it's Thursday . why do I count the days? Why do I say it's thuresday ? there aren't any more days . there's just time . Time when it's dark , so why not days too. Yes no more days . no more Thursdays . there's only now .

And there's only me .why? why aren't Idead , too ? that's a stupid question , jojo , I say to myshlf . you know why you aren't dead , you were in the fields when the men came . but that 's not my qustion . I want to know why I wasin the field . why wasn't in the house witoh my family ?

There are no answer s to qustions like that , jojo. (I tell my self) I have to tolk to my sel them because there isn't anyone else . I think there are mice there . I can hear them at night you can't talk to mice. Vut there aren't any other peaple . there's only me jojo

I know this becouse I listen . I listen all the day and all the night I hide in our stable , where the horse lived , and I hear nothing . just mice the village is quiet . there is smoke now but smoke is quite . the fires were noisy . but the fires have stopped . it rained yesterday , and after the rain there were no more fires . just smoke.

Ofcourse , I'm not the only thing slive here . as well as the mice, there's the dog somewhere in the village . ican hear it . and there are rats and fild . but I'm think am only person here . all the other are daed .

Evry one in the vellage are dead . there is only me now , and I don't know what to do .

I'm not in the house . I went into the house after the men went away . so I saw my family . all of them on the floor . all the blood on the floor , too . they wher all dead .my mother . my father , my sister . my brother . my family .

Jojo don't think about that , I say to myself . don't think about blood . don't think about those thing . but I can't stop thinking about them . but my mother had no clothes on . I've never seen my mother without clothes . perhaps I go into the house tomorrow and put some clouthes on my mother. She must be cold without clothes . but I'm afraid that men are going to come back .

Perhaps they are looking for me . perhaps they will come back to me . perhaps I eont tthem to find me . then I can be dead, too . I don't wont to the only one alive .

Come on , jojo , I say to myself . you are th man of the family now . you must be abig boy now . you must be strong . it's difficult to be strong when you are ten . and am only just ten . my birthday was last month . in july .

There isn't school here any more . there was abig fire there and now just smoke . I don't know where my bicycle is . I don't wont it any more .

match we're not like peaple in the big towns . my brother went to live in the town . he told I don't understand why the men came to our village . it's not very rich village . we don't have very us about cars and the shops and all the thing there .

Why didn't my brother stay in the town ? why did he come back her ? why did he die? he was always laughing he was always so nise to evry one . he wanted to be ateacher , he went to the town to study . my father said that my brother was agood son .. he worked hard . he wasn't going to be apoor farmer like my father , I always going to study hard , too. And . my father laughed . his big laugh. The laugh that made the tummy go up and down . 'I like that' he said that is good . I 'll have to son to look after me when I'm old .

I'm going to study too ' saied my sister

' just find arich husband ' said my father

'I don't want a rich husband' my sister told me , I going to be a teacher like my brother . you see . jojo our father doesn't know , but threr are lots of women teachers in the town , our brother told me.

But my sister can't be a teacher now . she is dead on the floor. There 's ablood on her leg's I pulled down her skirt . it wasn't nice like that . my sister was always very nice . she was kind too . why did the men hurt her ? she never hurt enyone .

Some time I want to die now . but sometime I don't. I don't want to die .

I sit on the back of the stable . the stable is where out hours slept at night . but the men took awy all the hourses . I heart them . I'm happy tthat our hours is alive . she was agood hours . I gave them nuts . she like eating nuts.

I'm very hungry . but I don't want to look for food . I'm afraid one of the men will came back and see me .

I'll stay here. And be very quite .then no one will find me .

it's dark now . ican hear the mice . or perhaps they're rats . I'm not afraid of them . they are probably hungry . I'm so hungry I can't sleep .

don't thing about food . thing sbout something else . then I 'll forget how hungry I am . perhaps I 'll thing about my mother . or tolk to her . or my brother or my sister . I like to think about them . perhaps that's why I'm alive . so one day I'll tell peaple about them . I'm jojo . I'll say . I'm alone now , but once I had afamily . my grandmother said that when peaple die . they go away very slowly . after they die . they stay in the air so you can say goodbye to them . you mustn't be afraidof ghostes . she told me . ghostes are good . you can tolk to them and they will help you . I think that there are lot of ghosts . I thing that my grandmoher was right.

I'm going to tell them that I'm here . this is jojo , I'll stay I'm not dead . I won't let the men find me . I'll stay here and I'll talk to you so you wan't feel sad . maybe ghosts will help me . there's a sound outside the stable . there is something here . something bigger than a mouse . I don't know what it is . and now I can hear anther sound , like a lorry . it's alorry . alorry is coming here to the village . the men are coming here . I'll be very quiet . perhaps they wan't find me .

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